Aubrey McFadden Is Never Getting Married

Romance Georgia Beers 80 12th Mar, 2024

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Aubrey McFadden Is Never Getting Married


All of Aubrey McFadden’s college friends are tying the knot, and she’s been invited to five weddings. Five. In one year. Who wouldn’t want to celebrate so much love and romance?

Aubrey, that’s who.

She’s going anyway, of course. It’s not her friends’ fault her college boyfriend left Aubrey on the day of their wedding. Lies, selfishness, unhappy surprises…no, thank you. And you know who’s responsible for her permanently single status?

Monica, that’s who.

Their friends all say Monica Wallace had a thing for Aubrey back then—not that Aubrey cares one little bit why that still makes her heart race. Monica convinced her best friend Cody that marrying Aubrey, settling down, and locking himself into a 9-to-5 at the expense of his dreams would be a huge mistake. Cody called off the wedding, and Aubrey has never forgiven them.

Aubrey McFadden is never getting married, but she does have five weddings to attend, and she’ll be avoiding Monica at every single one.

About the Author

Georgia Beers is a Lambda Literary Award, Foreword Book of the Year Award, and Goldie Award winning author of lesbian romance. She resides in upstate New York where she was born and raised. When not writing, she enjoys too much TV, never too much wine, and long walks with her dog. She is currently hard at work on her next book. You can visit her and find out more at

Tags: Romance, FF Book
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