Odyssey of the Scarlet Rose

Fantasy/Paranormal, Futa M.S. Knight 69 29th Jul, 2024

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Odyssey of the Scarlet Rose


Tropes & Triggers listed below.
A steamy LGBTQ+ erotica, futa adjacent adventure set in a re-envisioned timeline of Greek mythology. Book one sets our stage beginning half a millennium after the "Godly War." A time when Gods and Titans fell after nearly destroying the world in a global flood. What remains is elitist rule by the eldest living goddess, Queen Annum Joli, daughter of Dyke and Eros. Humans are considered intelligent cattle, and a food shortage is causing upheaval and rebellion among them.

Follow the stories of five young friends of high social standing and a special commoner that changes their fortunes. Magic, elves, and hybrid creatures fill the atmosphere as two friends reach heights unheard of. Sexual exploration, class divisions, self-preservation, and ambition drive the gritty theme of this epic tale; destiny is our decisions echoing through time, with unforeseen consequences that will happen… Sooner or later.

Though through every door is a choice where we choose to enter or not. Every choice leads to our reasoning and rationalization for the decisions we make. Every decision yields something good or bad, a debt or profit, consequence or reward, relief or suffering, love or hate, even pleasure or pain that may be instant or a pillar to a future receipt for a destiny never thought of. What drives the mind at the crossroads of individuality and conformity, social status and security, justice and self-preservation, trust and betrayal, lust and love, or right and wrong? There are no perfect decisions and no tailored destinies. There is only… The odyssey.…

(Triggers: LGBTQ+, Futa Adjacent Character, Slavery, Graphic Gladiatorial Combat, Graphic Executions, Sexual Assault, Centaur Sex, Patricide, Torture, Colorful and Vulgar Language, Femdom on Male)
(Tropes: Sapphic, Coming-Of-Age, Rags to Riches, Boss/Employee, Owner/Slave, Manipulation, Runaway, First Time, Group Sex, Self-Exploration, High Fantasy, Elemental Magic)

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